Hunter hunting along a marsh

Abbie Elliott


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2023
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 6
  • County: Otsego County
  • Property: Private

Haven’t seen anything all bow season. So, opening day, we wake up late get to the spot and start walking to the blind. My boyfriend’s truck lights wouldn’t shut off so he goes back to figure out what is going on. I say screw it, I’m not waiting and go and sit. I text him to get here now. Once he gets situated in the blind I hear something, didn’t see anything figured it was a squirrel. Ten minutes later I spot a nose to the left. This buck walks in and I just grab the rifle, he looks at me and I freeze. Thinking man we screwed up and he knows we’re here. He looks away and I make a kill shot for the shoulder. It happened so fast I don’t even know how many points it is, I’m thinking at least a spike. We wait 30 minutes and track him 100 yards from the blind and it was a nice six point! My vet first deer, ever. I’m so proud!