Sitting in my tree stand not seeing anything for a couple hrs then I heard grunting. A doe came walking out of the woods about 90 yards away and sure enough this bad boy came out right behind her. “Buck Fever” was setting in but I took a couple deep breaths, put the cross hairs on him, pulled the trigger, and dropped him! I was pumped!

Adam Henry
- Date Taken: 12/01/2011
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Muzzleloader
- Official Score: 131 1/2
- County: Huron County
- Property: Public
- Dressed Weight: Sitting in my tree stand not seeing anything for a couple hrs then I heard grunting. A doe came walking out of the woods about 90 yards away and sure enough this bad boy came out right behind her. "Buck Fever" was setting in but I took a couple deep breaths, put the cross hairs on him, pulled the trigger, and dropped him! I was pumped!