Hunter hunting along a marsh

Aiden Martinez


  • Date Taken: 11/09/2023
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • Number of Points: 7
  • County: Clinton County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 175

Had another nice buck come through right under me I couldn’t get my bow up in time, Ten minutes later a little buck came sprinting through and this buck was chasing him. He stopped and put his nose to the ground and was on a hot dog scent. He ran into the corn about 50 yards down. Hit him with a few grunts 2 minutes later and sure enough he came back out and put a 25 yard shot on him. Hit him far back so backed out waited 12 hours and brought a dog in. The dog jumped him and followed him for about .75 miles before we reached property we didn’t have permission for so we backed out for the night. Got permission for the property and went in the next afternoon and the dog found him about a half mile later. 33 hours after the shot and 1.2 miles