Hunter hunting along a marsh

Alex Holshoe


  • Date Taken: 11/22/2019
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Rifle
  • County: Allegan County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 135

What a roller coaster year for me. Spent all summer shooting my bow getting ready for the season and on October 2nd I fell from a treestand and broke my back. I thought my hunting season was over. However, with lots of rest and support of friends and family I managed to head out around 2:45pm to sit on the ground and use my new 450 bushmaster. As I was almost to my spot I saw this buck just on the other side of the property line. He heard me and he jumped up. I had just previously put a round into the chamber just Incase I kicked anything out of our standing corn field on the walk in. He crossed the property line stopped broadside at 65 yards and I shot him free handed! He ran back to the neighbors and out of nowhere he turned on a dime and came back across to our property. He jumped the fence and ran down to the river where he crossed it. I called my dad who was walking to his stand 1/2 mile away. I found blood and waited for my dad, brother, and sister in-law to track. We followed blood across the river and 70 yards from where he was shot the deer laid just inside our property line. I am on cloud 9 because literally EVERYTHING had to go right for me to get a shot at this deer and to be able to recover him.