Hunter hunting along a marsh

Alyssa Bishop


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2023
  • Time Of Day: Midday
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 9
  • County: Manistee County
  • Property: Private

Didn’t get to go out opening morning, took kids to school. My mom took the day off work to stay with our newborn who’s almost 7 weeks old. Got out to the woods after 10am to sit on the ground. Had a couple small does walk 10-20 feet from me. Stood up around 12 to have a couple deer run off, thinking for sure I spooked them. Ended up being the buck chasing a doe. With how thick it was in the pines I just got a glimpse of the two every so often. After the 4th of seeing them the doe brought the buck 15 feet from me where I was able to get a shot at him. He took off still chasing the doe until he dropped.