Hunter hunting along a marsh

Andrew Scott


  • Date Taken: 10/30/2023
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Crossbow
  • Number of Points: 12
  • County: Barry County
  • Property: Public
  • Dressed Weight: 180

I got off to a real bad start realizing I forgot my climber when I was at the gas station and had to turn around and go get it. I didn’t get into my stand till well after it was light. At about 10:30 I had a big buck chasing a doe and I could not get him to stop as he was only 30 to 40 yds running in circles around me. About 10 minutes later this big guy came sneaking in behind me and I shot him at 20 yds. He only went 30 yds from the shot and tipped over! What a spooky morning!