It was a beautiful morning in the woods where I was able to harvest this 11 point buck with a crossbow! After a successful gun season last year, where I landed a 150” deer, I was determined to try out bow. This was my first season bow hunting and the first season I have been hunting alone. I had a perfect heart shot from my treestand at 30 yards, and he ran and dropped within 20 yards. I had eyes on him for a good 15 minutes before he presented me with a good shot. This deer was originally a 12 pointer, but recently broke off the kicker he had on his left base. He also had a broken leg. It is a great feeling to know that this property served as a sanctuary to meet his needs. This was one tough buck! Thank you lord for the gift of nature and the opportunity to participate in the harvest.
Ashlyne Borruso
- Date Taken: 11/10/2023
- Time Of Day: Morning
- Method: Crossbow
- Number of Points: 11
- County: Ingham County
- Property: Private