Missed one earlier in the morning, i thiught i missed my oppertunity to get a nice buck for my last youth hunt, we decided we were gonna leave as it was gonna storm pretty hard, as we were heading back to the truck we heard something walking in the pond next to the lane, so we stopped, we thought there was only a small buck in the pond but there were actually 8 or 9 other bucks with him with multiple shooters. He was about 25 yards away from me when i shot, after i shot he ran 50 yards, as soon as we went to where he was standing when i shot there was pretty good blood, with a double lung shot with my .450 Bushmaster.

Bailey Warner
- Date Taken: 09/12/2021
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Rifle
- County: Sanilac County
- Property: Private
- Dressed Weight: 172.1lbs