Son Kyle (present during hunt) with buck. 20.25″ inside spread. NE Iron Co. on commercial forest land… no agriculture in the region (browse fed). 230 yard shot across the swamp after being on stand for approx. 15 min. (3:30pm). Never imagined to encounter such a beautiful buck!
Brandon Gnass
- Date Taken: 11/24/2012
- Time Of Day: Midday
- Method: Rifle
- Official Score: 136+ (CBM)
- County: Iron County
- Property: Public
- Dressed Weight: Son Kyle (present during hunt) with buck. 20.25" inside spread. NE Iron Co. on commercial forest land... no agriculture in the region (browse fed). 230 yard shot across the swamp after being on stand for approx. 15 min. (3:30pm). Never imagined to encounter such a beautiful buck!