Hunter hunting along a marsh

Brayden Goodknecht


  • Date Taken: 11/18/2023
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Shotgun
  • Number of Points: 8
  • County: Clinton County
  • Property: Private

We had an eventful day of hunting for sure! Brayden had an opportunity at a nice eight point Saturday morning but couldn’t get setup on it. His big brother Brantley was dialed right in on it and made it happen! We grabbed some lunch and Brayden and I went back out. We saw several does and right before dark a big mature buck come out checking does. I asked him if he could see him through the scope and finally he said yes! I told him to wait until he turned broadside and put it right behind his shoulder. When the buck finally did he was about 125 yards away. Brayden made a perfect heart and the buck only went about 60 yards! I’m pretty proud of this young man and what he accomplished at 5 years old!