Hunter hunting along a marsh

Brent Wright


  • Date Taken: 12/02/1024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • Number of Points: 9
  • County: Monroe County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: N/A

Four days after harvesting an Ohio buck! This guy shows up on my trailcam. Funny part is that I was supposed to go and sit in my treestand but I never got out of bed. That morning was the first time he ever showed up. Not only did he pop up out of nowhere but he was on video on my trail cam 30 yards from my treestand in shooting hours. Today December 2nd, he showed up and gave me a broadside shot at 45 yards and I made a great shot on him burying my broadhead in his opposite side shoulder. The Rest is History!