Hunter hunting along a marsh

Bronson Butts


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2019
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Rifle
  • Official Score: Gross: 140 3/8 Net: 135 4/8
  • County: Hillsdale County
  • Property: Private

Bronson, (8yrs old) shot this massive 8pt buck opening day around 4 pm from approx 70 yards. with a bushmaster 450. This was his first time gun hunting, and his first ever deer. He got this with his apprentice license. We had been eyeballing this beast for the last few weeks prior to him shooting him, and was so impressed by his massive rack, right then and there we gave him the name “Hightower”. Official Gross Score: 140 3/8 Net: 135 4/8.