Hunter hunting along a marsh

Caleb Crawford


  • Date Taken: 11/09/2023
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • Number of Points: 11
  • County: Hillsdale County
  • Property: Public

Caleb and I have been hunting hard between public and private! Getting the wind where we needed it was the key factor!! We had seen some decent bucks on public but nothing we was wanting to harvest! November 9th was the day! Was a last minute decision to go hunt a certain piece of public and it played off!! Seen quite a few does and couple young bucks and all sudden this stud shows up I told caleb to get his bow and be ready and he came right where he needed him too and it was history! Thankful for PURE WHITETAIL dirt scent eliminator he didn’t smell neither of us and caleb was able to get a shot on him! This is my neighbor, just glad to be apart of getting him on some bucks this year and seeing the youth love the sport!! His expression says it all!! He’s for sure hooked!!