Hunter hunting along a marsh

Chandler Kozlowicz


  • Date Taken: 10/17/2021
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • County: Ingham County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 185

I was doing some yard and field work and when I was done I figured I’d go sit in one of the blinds for a little bit. After settling in, almost a half hour later I see a few doe and a button buck come out and start eating in the field. Then one of the doe perk up and I look the way she was looking, and next think I know, I see this good size 8 point come out walking toward these doe. While he wasn’t in shooting distance, I was able to get a few photos of him before getting my bow ready. He was about 25 yards to my side, and I only had one shot. So I took the shot, and even tho it wasn’t a great shot, I hit him with it being good enough to do a little bit of artery damage. He ran across 2 creeks and laid down by a little stream. My brothers and my dad called me asking if I got him, and I said I’m tracking blood, so they came out and helped me track. We tracked blood for a good few hours cause there was minimal blood the way I hit him, but we found him and it was totally worth the find