The first buck on the bottom I shot on opening morning. This buck was one of the four biggest bucks we were going to shoot this season. I was watching some does when I looked to my left and just saw a huge rack and I knew as soon as I seen it that is was a shooter. So I got my gun out of the window and let it yeet!! And dropped it. Second deer II shot in mid season with my grandpa who hasn’t been hunting in 10 years. It just got light and I saw 2 does and I was like ok and then I saw a really big black body come out and it picked his head up and it was big so I got my gun up and shot. Unfortunately I have made a bad shot on it and ended up tracking it for 600 yards to his death. Thanks for reading my story
Chase Warren
- Date Taken: 01/09/2024
- Time Of Day: Morning
- Method: Rifle
- County: Muskegon County
- Property: Private
- Dressed Weight: 160 and 175