Hunter hunting along a marsh

Chris Freybler


  • Date Taken: 10/20/2019
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Crossbow
  • County: Allegan County
  • Property: Private

I’ve been hunting for 30 years and Have never shot a buck worthy of a shoulder mount until now. It was a great morning, I was just sitting in my tree stand enjoying the beauty of Michigan in the fall. I hadn’t seen any deer but I was entertained by a couple of squirrels chasing each other around the woods. Then at about 8:10 on this calm weather Sunday morning I saw some movement out in front of me. It was a glimpse of a leg. Okay I thought grab the cross bow and get ready. Then I started to see it walking towards me, quickly revealing the nice rack on top of his head. Okay now I just need him to walk the path I laid out in my mind a hundred times. He just stopped, what is he doing. He is stretching out his neck pulling and tugging on a low branch. Then he starts dragging his front foot thru the dirt making a brand new scrape. This was my first time seeing a deer do this right in front of me at about 40-50 yards. Okay here he comes as I’m telling myself to stay calm and not screw up the shot I took the cross bow off safe and started my aim. He just needs to take 2 more steps. He took the two steps, I made a bleat and pulled the trigger on my crossbow. He took off running towards the swamp, my hands are now shaking like I was freezing cold but that was not it I had just shot the biggest buck of my life. I waited a couple hours before two friends and my daughter starting to track him. We found him about 100 yards away….what a day! What a buck! My neighbor also sent me pics from this summer of him that he had on his trail cam!