Hunter hunting along a marsh

Chris Harrison


  • Date Taken: 10/17/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • Number of Points: 8
  • County: Macomb County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 185

Checked the weather the night before and the cold front was going to bring 32° temps and west wind at 2mph. I decided to go sit in the morning. I awoke to find a super bright hunters moon. As I drove out to the property I saw deer on the side of the road in the fields and thought that was a good sign. However the bright moon had me skeptical. I arrived at the property at 430am. I got out and started getting my pack and clothing all organized. I got out to the woods at 5 and found myself face to face with a coyote who snuck up to me at 20feet. Yet another reason I was sure I wouldn’t see anything. I kept on walking thrown the trail and stepped off into the woods and found a tree in an area I haven’t sat yet and could hear the acorns falling. 530 at the base of the tree I start setting up my climbing sticks and make my way up. I get set and quiet by 615. I had to move slow and quiet as I was setting up 45yards from a thick bedding area. Iafter sitting for a while I could start hearing deer walking around and could make out the bodies as they walked through the woods. 7am came around and I decided to send my antlers to the ground with my bow rope and bang them together on the ground and ontop of a small sapling to make it sound like two bucks were fighting. 10 mins later three does come out and eat acorns. I watch them for about 20 mins until I heard loud heavy steps coming from the west bedding area. I got my bow in hand and get behind the tree (i was using a saddle) As I was watching him walk in I noticed it was a huge body 8 pt. I decided to take the shot. As I drew back and settled in with the 20 yard pin just behind his shoulder I noticed two branches in the way of him. I held it at full draw for 3 mins until he stepped out of the way and I let it fly. Shot looked great. However my arrow didn’t pass through. As he turned and ran the arrow snapped off on the thickets and laid on the ground. I waited until 1030 to get down and look. Found the arrow and found what looked like good blood. I decided to start tracking. I followed a good blood trail for 100 yards then jumped him out of a bed. I watched where he ran to and backed out. I went back later that day 8 hrs later to the bed I jumped him in and couldn’t find any blood. I walked all over the edge of the bedding area. I tried to crawl through it but it was to thick. I decided to call in a dog who came in at 10pm after driving 2hrs one way to get to me. (Only person who would take the track, others local didn’t want to.) I knew the deer was dead as I got within 7feet of his bed before he jumped and ran off. After a less then 5 mins tracking job, we recovered my first ever 8pt and largest buck to date. I walked by him several times but never saw him with how thick it was. He only went another 75 yards in the tickets before he bedded down again and expired. After reviewing the shot area we found a third branch that deflected the arrow into the right side through the liver, out infromt of the least rear leg and the broadhead and insert was stuck in his rear lower leg.

After further review it was also noticed this is the same buck i had a chance at last season at 30 yards but he caught wind of me and took off. This year he gained more mass, a little more height.