Hunter hunting along a marsh

Chris LEsperance


  • Date Taken: 10/29/2020
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Official Score: 169.5 Green score
  • County: Washtenaw County
  • Property: Public

Saw four bucks that morning. Really nice 8 point at 37 yards couldn’t get a shot. Doe and small 8 walked by couldn’t get him to stop. Bleated 3 times after he walked off. Shortly after fork was following them. Came to 30 yards in front of my tree and stopped. This big buck walked over small rise in over grown field and closed from 80 yards to 30 squared up to the form. Drew back and he whipped his head around to scratch his ear. Turned broadside again and shot him at 30 yards. He ran about 40 yards and stopped. I ranged again he was at 60 yards. I shot again and missed. He ran about 110 yards and died. Biggest buck to date and on public land. Get out there and enjoy our great state!