Hunter hunting along a marsh

Chris Melfi


  • Date Taken: 10/08/2020
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • County: Genesee County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 177 lbs

My first big buck! Came into the field with a 10 and a 6. Got to watch the 6 and 8 spar a bit. 10 never gave me a shot and I wasn’t gonna take the 6 with these guys sitting out there. Saw this one cross an opening to my right and got a quick shot at 43 yards on the move. Heard the hit and heard him fall so thought I was good. Stepped into the field and scared what must’ve been the 10 and I was so excited I started following him thinking maybe I had a bad shot. Searched for blood, hair and prints for two hours and gave up dissapointed. Came back at 7am, climbed my stand to check my shot and realized I was looking too close. Found him 3 min later. I must’ve walked by him 15 times! He only ran about 40 yards from where I shot him. Buck fever!!!