This buck came to me right at daybreak on my last sit of bow season November 12th. He came in crashing around next to a swamp behind me for 2-3 minutes before I let out a couple of short grunts to get his attention. He turned and walked closer to me but then angled and started trotting away out in front of me. I let out a pretty loud snort wheeze and he stopped in his tracks, turned 180 degrees and headed straight at me in the tree. Got to about 40yds and turned broadside taking a couple more steps. I stopped him and let it fly. Upper double lung shot. He bucked straight up in the air and ran roughly 50yds then he dropped. Couldn’t be happier for my first ever deer harvest since getting into hunting seriously this season!

Colin Giamportone
- Date Taken: 11/12/2023
- Time Of Day: Morning
- Method: Crossbow
- Number of Points: 12
- County: St. Joseph County
- Property: Private
- Dressed Weight: 170