Hunter hunting along a marsh

David Chamberlin


  • Date Taken: 11/13/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Crossbow
  • Number of Points: 8
  • County: Jackson County
  • Property: Private

Well finally got it done. Seen this guy twice once at 150yrds. And again Tuesday afternoon at 75 yards but wouldn’t come in close enough for a shot, while I had to watch him bed down with a doe 75 yards from me. Only to get up and go the other way. Wednesday morning came and was deciding between one of two spots to sit, obviously I chose the right one. He came out into food plot about 80 yards out where 4 doe where standing, he then went into the woods again watching him come my way he came out at 50 yards and the rest is history. Found him about 100 yards from where I shot him.
Taken 9:00am 11/13/2024