Hunter hunting along a marsh

Devin Yates


  • Date Taken: 09/20/2014
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Shotgun
  • Official Score: ???
  • County: Tuscola County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: Went out for the youth hunt with my son had saw a few does at day break let them walk about 9ish I caught him walking along the creek told Devin to grab his gun here he comes no sooner did he set up the gun in the window he came out scanned the field ran down the creek and said when he gets to the other side and stops at the top to look if the shot presents itself take him he did exactly that and my boy didn't hesitate took the shot went to turn around and run back down the creek and boogie but instead tumbled down into the creek and never got up one proud dad first deer first buck couldn't ask for a better day

Went out for the youth hunt with my son had saw a few does at day break let them walk about 9ish I caught him walking along the creek told Devin to grab his gun here he comes no sooner did he set up the gun in the window he came out scanned the field ran down the creek and said when he gets to the other side and stops at the top to look if the shot presents itself take him he did exactly that and my boy didn’t hesitate took the shot went to turn around and run back down the creek and boogie but instead tumbled down into the creek and never got up one proud dad first deer first buck couldn’t ask for a better day