Hunter hunting along a marsh

Eric Purgiel


  • Date Taken: 11/18/2017
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Rifle
  • Official Score: 126 unnoficial
  • County: Mackinac County

Did 4 all day sits passing up nice 8 point shooters. Came down to the last hour of my last day at camp. 4 point on the pile munchin on some corn when he alertes towards my blind and bolted away. I look to my right and there this monster stands at 10 yards. He starts chasing the 4 point, i bleat at him stops right in a lane at 35 yards. Dropped him in his tracks. Shot with Rem. 30-06. Perfect heart shot. I was looking for this buck as soon as i saw him on camera 3 weeks ago. Perserverance pays off!