Hunter hunting along a marsh

Garrett Fletcher


  • Date Taken: 10/13/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Crossbow
  • Number of Points: 10
  • County: Oakland County
  • Property: Public
  • Dressed Weight: 173

We’ve been watching him for last year or so, it was a rainy nasty morning out but well worth it! I climbed in the stand a couple hours before sunrise and immediately heard movement around me. A little after 8am I had a doe come in and hangout out for about 5mins and seen his horns coming through the thick brush and he turned back into the woods and grunted like 9 times. He followed her same trail in and gave me a broadside shot at 47yds and i let him have it, made it about 45yds! Personal best -Garrett F.