Hadn’t had a buck on camera or seen one while hunting in 2 weeks so I was goin out for a doe hunt. A doe and fawn came onto my foodplot and I got ready. Then caught movement to my left, another deer comin in but stopped. Made his (spiker) way to the edge, then from straight in front came a 4th deer with a decent rack that chased the small buck off. I said well maybe you wont be shooting a doe tonight. So I waited and the spiker made his way onto the plot to my my right and the other buck finally came back down the same trail as the doe and fawn. Finally came on at 30 yards facing me as the doe and her fawn had moved to 15 yards to my left and were staring up at me. My heart sank thought it was over until he moved to catch their attention away from me and I drew my Mathews DXT as he eating and broadside. Took my time and released at 30 yards, he jumped and rear legs kicked. Watched him take off to the trail he came in on and grabbed my binoculars to watch him as he started to wobble and drop right there. He ran 30 yards and I was thrilled and emotional as he was my first ever buck in 9 years on my own property.
Gordon McCubbrey
- Date Taken: 10/15/2021
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Compound Bow
- County: Alpena County
- Property: Private