Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jake Heuss


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2019
  • Time Of Day: Midday
  • Method: Rifle
  • County: Barry County
  • Property: Private

On Oct. 12th I made a no lethal high shot on this buck at 8 yards with my longbow.
We watched this deer over the next two weeks regain his strength and then he disappeared for a week. The worse case scenario played out in my mind seeing vultures circling on the neighboring property.
Now three weeks after the shot we see him working scrapes out of range.
Opening day of gun season I sat with my dad trying to get him a deer and enjoying the opportunity to hunt together. I carried a gun for the one chance that this buck might step out.
It was an eventful morning but no sightings of him. At 3 pm I stepped onto a ridge that over looks a marsh and there he was at 138yards tending does. 450 bm