It happened fast he came out the the other side of the field as I shot it was a poke wasn’t sure I hit him. I was starting to look for sign and I talked to the neighbor that I heard shoot also he said he sent it hurt but didn’t want to shot him since he knew I shot it but he sent it last down then he decided to take a shot but ended up he didn’t hit it. I had to run home and get the truck and they kept tracking an they called and said they found it and only had my shot in it and it’s mine and I couldn’t be more happy and thanked those guys for finding it. I also shot a 8 point that I shot and it dropped right where it stood.

Jason Whitmore
- Date Taken: 11/15/2024
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Rifle
- Number of Points: 10
- County: Eaton County
- Property: Private