Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jaxon Hofacker


  • Date Taken: 09/14/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 11
  • County: Clinton County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 167

It had been a slower morning. Jaxon was set up facing the east.. Eventually around 9:00 they started moving. We seen a smaller buck and a few doe to the north of us and a few more doe to the south of us. I peaked behind us to the west and seen him broadside at around 60 yards on the edge of the woods he was headed to the north. He spooked slightly as Jaxon got turned around.. He ran in the woods about 5 yards. Luckily he stopped and Jaxon was ready. Found him about 80 yards from the shot. A memory I will cherish forever!