Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jeff Dembowske


  • Date Taken: 11/16/2022
  • Time Of Day: Midday
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 8
  • County: Ogemaw County
  • Property: Public
  • Dressed Weight: 185

Sat the morning in my normal spot to have deer bedded down 20 yards away and never saw them. So I went in midday to find a new tree. Wondered around for 30 minutes and made my decision to sit in a big oak. Took way to long to set up because the tree was too big for a saddle but I made it work. Just put my gun on the hook and saw movement. Saw the doe first, she was arching her back which I thought was weird until I saw him pop up through the trees. 30 seconds later she was walking right to me 30 yards out. Took him 10-15 mins to follow her to give me a good shot but once he did I made it count. He ran 40 yards and crashed, then the doe didn’t know what happened and ran 15 yards in front of me so I tagged out!