This was my first buck, I’m a public land hunter for the most part so this was a dream come true for me. It’s always a challenge to go out into the untamed wilderness without any trail cams or specific points of known traffic areas to base a hunt off of. I tend to scout areas and identify signs and build my game plan around what I find.
For this hunt I was in my tree climber, 2 doe came out of some hardwoods to my right, admittedly I might have spooked them when I upped my rifle but it seems they were also being chased by a young buck which served to keep them on edge. About a minute after they ran off this beautiful 6er came out and walked the same path the doe did. I had a quick shot to make as he was hot on their trail. I had one window of opportunity to make my shot and ended up landing a perfect double lung on him. But he did a lil get back on me as I scoped myself right in the forehead, due to the quickness and awkward positioning of my shot. Now I have a nice scar that I will wear proudly as I remember this hunt. Truly blessed.
Jeremiah Wix
- Date Taken: 11/15/2024
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Rifle
- Number of Points: 6
- County: Crawford County
- Property: Public
- Dressed Weight: 100