Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jesse Maxwell


  • Date Taken: 11/22/2019
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Shotgun
  • County: Macomb County
  • Property: Private

Waited for my son to get of the school bus so we could glass the fields that we hunt to prepare for the weekend hunts. As I was driving over there I called a buddy that lives on the road to see if he has been seeing anything and he said “if you want to shoot a buck tonight go sit on the ground 40 yards from the pass through between the two properties at 5:15p. He has walked the same pattern 4 days in a row. He’ll walk right past ya on the way to the corn.” Long story short my son sat in the truck playing on his phone and at 5:12p he called mama and said “DAD JUST SHOT!”

He would have walked right up to me (3 mins early), if I hadn’t put the H&R to work from about 9 yards.

Posting in hopes of a lot of “nice buck young man” replies