Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jessica Kenes


  • Date Taken: 12/01/2020
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Crossbow
  • County: St. Clair County
  • Property: Private

Been watching this buck we named “Spooky” all season, he appeared to been hit by a car early in October as he broke off part of his beam and had an injury on his right leg… This buck was completely nocturnal and disappeared several weeks at a time… I took a chance and decided to go out when the snow ended on December 1st, I brought out my new Ten point crossbow and me and my boyfriend got out early and sat in our blind. At 4:45 this old wounded warrior started making his way towards us in the woods when he reached 55 yards I let an arrow fly and made a perfect shot. I now have my biggest bow kill going on my wall and memories to last a lifetime!