Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jessica Sleda


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 15
  • County: Sanilac County
  • Property: Private

After a 10+ year hunting hiatus, my brother convinced me to go out last minute! As a tired mama of a toddler, I can say it wasn’t the easiest climbing out of bed opening day morning, but it was more than worth it!
This guy was practically waiting for me at my hunting spot. We were barely in there 5 mins trying to open windows, and caught him out front about 50 yards. We don’t use trail cams or anything, but my grandpa mentioned he had seen a 10pt. out back previously. I knew right away that had to be him!..Much to our surprise he had some extra tines on there when we found him! A buck of a lifetime for sure. I feel incredibly blessed to have harvested this guy!