As I sat in my hunting blind,I saw antlers move in the brush over 100 yards away. So I grabbed my bleat can and used that twice followed by some tending grunts. A minute later he appears behind some brush. At this point I’m looking through my scope trying to see how big he is. Then he steps out into the opening into my food plot about 100 yards away and walks straight towards me. He stops about 80 yards away facing me. At this point if he takes two steps left or right he will be in brush and I will have no shot. So I shot him facing me and I look up and he hops once and I can’t see him anymore. So I waited an hour and checked where the buck was standing and I found hair. So I followed freshly torn up tracks and no blood. After doing that for 50 yards I looked up and there he was. My biggest buck of my life and it’s a 9 point with a 19-3/4” inside spread.

Jim Kehrer
- Date Taken: 11/18/2019
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Rifle
- County: Van Buren County
- Property: Private