Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jonathan Evans


  • Date Taken: 11/09/2023
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Compound Bow
  • Number of Points: 10
  • County: Washtenaw County
  • Property: Private

What a deer! This was one of those days where I almost didn’t go out, but luckily, I did. It was an absolutely beautiful evening. At around 5:20 p.m., this buck stepped out onto the corner of the field a little over 40 yards away. I knew he was a shooter from the mass of the rack. He started walking North adding a little bit of distance between us and then stopped. So I drew back from the sitting position and put the 50 yard pin behind his shoulder and let it fly! SMACK! He went running for about 60 yards and stopped before crashing to the ground. Such an amazing moment!

This is my personal best and a hunt I will never forget. It is also the first deer I have harvested from my new home/property.