Hunter hunting along a marsh

Jonathan Hubel


  • Date Taken: 11/18/2023
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 10
  • County: Isabella County
  • Property: Private

I was supposed to take my fiancé out this morning with me but as she was not feeling well I told her to stay home and debated on not even going myself. I’m so glad I decide to go out and make a sit. Fist buck snuck up from behind me at about 7:10,had his nose to the ground moving fast, took a bit to get him to stop, at 50 yards he stopped perfect double lung with my 30-06 went about 30 yards. Super stoked at this point haven’t shot a buck in 7 years let alone even saw one. Decided to sit awhile longer and was watching some does 200+ yards to my west then caught movement to my south, turned and look and the wider of the two was right at 30 yards perfect heart shot went about 60 yards into a neighboring field. Couldn’t believe it 7 years no sight of a shooter than bam in 30 minutes 2 big 10 points got a dirt nap. One I’ll never forget just wish I could’ve shared the moment with my fiancé.