Hunter hunting along a marsh

Justin Thume


  • Date Taken: 10/03/2020
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • County: Gladwin County
  • Property: Public

Many pictures of this buck threw out the summer and I knew he had a unique rack. He came in to a scrape at 8:45a.m and wouldn’t offer me a shot, after milling around me for 20 minutes he finally presented a 27 yard shot I drew back my new Mathews triax with full metal jackets tipped with a rage trypan, settled the pin and shot. Fallowed by a loud smack and the deer literally getting knocked off his feet he took off. Waiting 2 hours (because I wasn’t happy with the shot) my dad and I went and looked, found blood right away with my arrow not far behind. He was pumping out both sides so now I’m gaining more confidence. A short 75 yards later we found him. Blew threw both front shoulders. Thanks to my dad for helping haul him out of the mile long walk threw beaver swamps. Biggest buck to date