Hunter hunting along a marsh

Kali Villarreal


  • Date Taken: 11/23/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 13
  • County: Ingham County
  • Property: Private

It was 7:40am and I swore I heard a grunt. So I kept my eyes peeled for a buck, about 100 yds away all I could see was some big antlers walking in tall grass. Decided to grunt back and he came in to about 70yds of me. Once he started to show his body coming out of the tall grass, I did a “mehp!” He whipped his head at me and I took my shot! My biggest buck ever! First deer of the year for me. I’m 4months postpartum from my toughest birth so this one felt pretty special. We’d had eyes on this guy for the past two years and my husband had him at 15yds with his bow but couldn’t get a shot. Thankful for this handsome buck and for the stories and meat he will provide my family.