Hunter hunting along a marsh

Kameron Kingsbury


  • Date Taken: 11/18/2023
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 9
  • County: Shiawassee County
  • Property: Private

“The morning of the 18th I woke up with a feeling it was a going to be a good day. It was brisk morning and I got to my blind early. As daylight broke I hadn’t seen much action, then all of a sudden he came trotting over the crest of the hill. When he came over the hill I knew it was “split brow” the buck I had been watching since last year. As he was trotting along, I tried to stop him but he was on a mission. At about 115 yards I let my Ruger 450 eat. He went about 40 yards and went down for a dirt nap!