Hunter hunting along a marsh

Katelynn Keene


  • Date Taken: 12/09/2020
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Shotgun
  • Official Score: 154
  • County: Ottawa County
  • Property: Private

My husband and I were after some big 9 point. I was hunting in a tree stand over looking a field the deer usually move into right at dark. My husband was driving around checking my families blueberry fields for deer and he saw a big buck in the field just west of me across the road running with a big group of does. He tried calling and messaging me but I didn’t answer. He ended up driving up to my in the stand took me to the field and we stalked up a couple dirt mounds to get a better look. It was almost dark and I was in position trying to find which one he was becuse they were all eating in the field pretty far away. All of a sudden he popped out closer, broadside just eating as well. I made a great shot and dropped him dead in his tracks. Our daughter was born this year and has been our good luck charm as my husband tagged out with 2 giant bucks as well. Happy hunting !