Hunter hunting along a marsh

Katie Brown


  • Date Taken: 10/15/2021
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Crossbow
  • County: Ottawa County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 140

I hunted for 3-1/2 hours in the rain without a sign of deer. In the last 15 minutes of light I had a large doe and her yearlings come in, I pulled up on her at 25 yards and something told me to pass on her. As she kept walking I caught of glimpse of him hot on her trail. He stopped in the same exact spot she stood just moments before. Broad side and attempting to sniff me out I had a few moments of hesitation, I told myself “this is it, take him”. Double lunged, he ran 40 yards and dropped. I’ve waited for this moment for 7 years. One hell of a first buck!