Hunter hunting along a marsh

Kyle Techel


  • Date Taken: 10/28/2023
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Crossbow
  • Number of Points: 7
  • County: Otsego County
  • Property: Public
  • Dressed Weight: 140

After Passing numerous bucks, some bigger than this on private land, the kids wanted to hold some horns. I was going to wait and hold onto tags but after doing some calling at base of tree and getting grunts back, i noticed it was too thick to get a shot off of where that buck was located. i climbed my tree with climber very slowly, after a few short minutes and calling again, a big bodied 4 point appeared and looking for a fight. he came just into range and i let him get just out to about 100 yards and called again knowing there’s another buck in opposite direction. Trying to use other buck as a decoy, I rattled and hit some branches with antlers. i heard the blue jays fire up in his direction i was positive he was on his feet. after a few short minutes, he appeared out of the thickness. I noticed he had 4 on one side and was not a buck I had had on the dozen cameras on state land, I choose to harvest this good bodied buck. He dropped in his tracks and The kids were excited and I was super happy with the story line on how he came in.