Hunter hunting along a marsh

Larissa Heine


  • Date Taken: 09/12/2021
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Shotgun
  • County: Genesee County
  • Property: Private

I had gotten out in the woods around 4:45 and hadn’t seen and deer all night until around 7:30. A doe and 2 fawns came out on the feild and not too long after a couple bucks came out. I waited a minute because they seemed small and I was waiting for a bigger one to come out. Not too long after the first few bucks came out I saw this one walk out onto the feild he was brawd side twords me about 100 yards away I looked at him through the scope and could only see 8 points I debated a little bit on taking the shot but decided that this could be the biggest deer I see all weekend. After I got the shot I watched him run off into the feild I lost him behind some trees and wasn’t sure where he went down. We tracked him for about an hour but couldn’t find where he went down so we decided to hire a tracker to come out in the morning and help look. When we came out in the morning it didn’t take long at all to find him he was laying right on the edge of the feild. Once I walked up I noticed that he was a 10 point and couldn’t believe how big he was! It was definitely a great way to end my very last youth hunt!