Came in at 9:25 am 1 minute after major game activity for the day he was following following 5 does did not see him at first he was still behind the tree i sit and I was trying to get big momma the huge fat lead doe to turn my way and give me a shot as I was ill prepared for deer movement at that time was almost ready to get down from stand I was stretching leggs and hips in stand and saw her the big momma doe as I slightly turned to my left in my stand the a few fawns and another 2 does were behind her so I yelled to get her ro stop and turn a few times and nothing then I saw him as she stopped and I grabbed my crossbow while standing as quiet as I could with no shooting stick and no time he was behind my stand about 13 yard just my to my left so shoulded crossbow put him in sight and he gave me a shot with a nice center point lung shot and top of heart and he only went 80 yards and we found him !!!! He is not the biggest stateland buck but he will feed our family !!! So thankful to provide
Margaret Minock
- Date Taken: 10/03/2021
- Time Of Day: Morning
- Method: Crossbow
- County: Livingston County
- Property: Public
- Dressed Weight: 115