Had one trail cam photo of him in August and didn’t see him again until 10 minutes before last light on the 15th. I hung a set for my brother in law and decided to sit behind him with no intention of shooting that evening in hopes he could get his first deer with a bow. 7 o’clock hits and my brother in law shot over top of a big doe and we were contemplating getting down and calling it but decided to stay and hope for another one to pop out. 7:15 hits and I heard footsteps coming from behind us in the marsh at a slow pace. It was cloudy and overcast so I had trouble seeing if it was a shooter until he got to about 40 yards away from us. I finally saw a glimpse of his rack and knew I was going to shoot so I ranged the only opening I had behind me at 20 yards. I drew back and waited for him to come into the opening, stopped him and let the arrow fly. I saw the lighted nock hit him center of body but I thought it was a touch back so we got down and backed out for a few hours. Went back in and tracked him 80 yards and he was dead. Took out the back side of both lungs and got liver. Biggest bow buck so far! Also tagged out during bow season for the first time ever.
Matt Madill
- Date Taken: 10/15/2023
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Compound Bow
- Number of Points: 10
- County: Barry County
- Property: Private
- Dressed Weight: 180