Hunter hunting along a marsh

Neil Millar


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2019
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • County: Barry County
  • Property: Private

Green score 136. Live weight 205lb
We had him on camera in early-late October at several places on the property. He was the oldest estimated buck we had seen from any of the places we hunt. So, my brother in law and I focused our time in the woods on that property. We each hunted a ridge near the swamp where we thought he was bedding and put in the time. Fast forward to opening day, I see three does about 100 yds through the hardwood. I have a brief opportunity at the trailing doe which thankfully disappeared quickly because about 5-10 minutes later, I see that bruiser coming in on the same line the does did. He breaks towards the swamp which happens to be in my direction. I am locked in the whole way and he comes in to about 35yds stops and locks on me. I take my shot head on in the chest. He drops on the spot. I realize my heart my explode from adrenaline and have to calm down before I try to climb down the ladder. I get down take a quick picture and text out the proof to the group. Then back in the stand for hope of another opportunity until my brother in law gets there to help me. This buck belongs to my brother in law Steve Flohr and father in law Mike Flohr. They put in the work to grow him and provided me with the opportunity to get the buck of a lifetime.