He came out about 100 yards behind my tree stand, I missed my first shot and watched him run off with a spike. I was bummed :/ I checked for blood real quick just to make sure and I moved to a different tree stand real quick mid hunt back where he came in from. It’s 3:30 now, about an hour has passed since I moved to a different tree stand and the same spike that he ran off with shows back up and passes 10 yards behind me. Sure enough the same 8 point buck I took a shot on an hour ago and missed was on the same path as that spike, he stepped within 10 yards and I smoked him. He ran roughly 60 yards and dropped
Nicholas Ainsworth
- Date Taken: 11/16/2024
- Time Of Day: Midday
- Method: Rifle
- Number of Points: 8
- County: Clinton County
- Property: Private