As I opened my camera app Thursday night I saw the largest buck I’ve ever seen on camera. Friday morning came and I got daylight pics of the buck at my mock scrape. I was originally supposed to attend my daughters softball game but she told me to go hunt and kill this deer once she saw the pictures.. At 630pm on Saturday I had a button buck under me that started blowing and getting nervous. I turned to see what he was looking at and all I saw was a deer walking way down a 2 track. Thinking that it could be one of the shooters I stood up and got ready. When it came through I knew it was a shooter but I didn’t know if it was the one that had just shown up the day before on camera. All I was thinking about was where I was going to put the arrow as he was quartering to me. I let the arrow fly and watched as it buried into the deer. After about an hour my dad and his wife came out to help me track him. We didn’t see much blood and assumed the arrow had plugged him. I knew it was a good shot so we proceeded to look. My dad found a puddle where he started pouring out blood and called me to see. I knew right then that I had a dead deer. Unknowingly my dad had proceeded quite a bit further up than me and had found him. He didn’t tell me that he found him and told me to walk the edge and look for blood. I shined my light and saw legs! I caught a quick glimpse of the rack and knew I shot the giant that was on camera. I looked at my dad and said you already found itself! I asked if it was the big one and he said it’s a fricken monster! I ran up and gave him a huge hug. In the end the deer only made it about 100yards and was probally expired in a few minutes. A hunt I will never forget.
Nicholas Petrowski
- Date Taken: 10/23/2021
- Time Of Day: Evening
- Method: Compound Bow
- Official Score: Not measured yet
- County: Saginaw County
- Property: Private
- Dressed Weight: Unknown