Hunter hunting along a marsh

Nolan Carn


  • Date Taken: 11/15/2024
  • Time Of Day: Evening
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 9
  • County: Clinton County
  • Property: Private
  • Dressed Weight: 154

Got home at around 3:40. My dad and I walk out, we spooked a couple on our way in. We get in the blind at around 4:15. We saw a couple does and a yearling. I saw a buck with only one side. A bit later I saw a bigger buck. I recognized this buck, we got him on trail cam back in August. I tell my dad that is the one I want. He came in and I shot… I dropped him at around 60 yards. Shot em with my big brother’s Henry 360 Buckhammer that he got for making Eagle Scout. First harvest with the gun.