Hunter hunting along a marsh

Owen Andrews


  • Date Taken: 11/16/2024
  • Time Of Day: Morning
  • Method: Rifle
  • Number of Points: 10
  • County: Eaton County
  • Property: Private

It was the 2nd time being out with my Dad all season, yesterday we saw tons of cruisers but never had the opportunity to pull the trigger. So fast forward to this morning, we get out to our stands a little later than we wanted to and it had been quiet and slow morning. Around 9:30am the morning quickly changed. I happened to look up and seen two doe’s about 60 yards away, the one in the back was looking behind and was fixated on something behind them, I look where she was looking and all I could see was rack. As I got ready he emerged from the tall grass and was right with the doe’s in the matter of seconds. I hit him with a quick “meh” and the rest was history. This hunt was super special to me because it wasn’t only my biggest buck to date, but I was able to shoot him with my dad being there. A memory neither of us will forget.